Monday, September 1, 2008

"Life is What Happens to You..."

"...while you're busy making other plans."

I remember the first time I heard "Beautiful Boy" on Double Fantasy, John Lennon's valedictory masterpiece. My friend Tom and I wept together in his dorm room as we heard the music and grieved the fallen poet.

I knew intuitively that his words to his young son were true -- 28 years later, I know it from experience.

I think it's important to have a plan. I also think it's important to recognize an opportunity when it comes along.

I think I have seen such an opportunity. I have decided to try to be an insurance salesman. Gross? Bizzare? I don't think so.

Here's what I want from what's left of my life:
  1. I want to help give Mrs P the kind of life that my wandering career and modest income have never made possible.
  2. I want to go to bed every night knowing that someone's life is better because I got up that morning.
I spoke with a splendid person from an insurance company that I believe in. (I don't want to mention any names, but you've seen their duck on TV.) One with products that are affordable and necessary. One that doesn't make money by scaring people. I've been a policyholder myself for several years. I've been studying all weekend, and I'm taking the licensing exam as soon as I can.

It's an entrepreneurial opportunity that's way out there where the ice is thin. Commission only. You're only paid to produce, not just for showing up. I could fall right through into the icy water. Or I could learn that this is a chance to have the living and the life that I have wanted for myself and my family. Mrs P and I have had several long talks about it. We're both a little apprehensive and a lot hopeful.

She believes in me. How can I fail? I believe we're going for it.

By the way, I ran 2.4 mi in 30 minutes yesterday. That's a 12:30 per mile pace, and a new personal best. "Every day, in every way it's getting better and better."

Thanks, John. You'd have been a great Pennsyltuckian.



  1. I am so proud of you! Your personal best is yet to be!
    Good job running, Pennsy...
    Just always run back to me.

  2. YAY for you. So excited for you and proud of you for recognizing what you want out of your life. And congrats on the personal best! Perfect quote: it is getting better and better.

  3. My prayers are with you Pensy! You know that what ever you do I have all the faith in the world in you. Keep on with your plan and see where it leads you. I wish only the best for you and Mrs. P.
    Love, Pensy's Mom
