Saturday, July 31, 2010

#240: I Know You...

I know you... It's an unspoken nod of recognition. We members of the cancer fraternity can spot one another in the halls, in the waiting rooms. In the parking lot while one of us is waiting for a ride, the other will smile. I know you... Today, waiting for the elevator, the door opened and our eyes met. He was emaciated and was wearing the mask that the hardcore chemo people wear. He avoided touching the buttons or the door has he tried to hold it open for Mum and me. We smiled. "I know you. I know your struggle. Keep fighting."

No words are exchanged.  They are unnecessary between us, and meaningless to others. No matter how devoted our caregivers, they can never know us the way we know one another. A silent nod. Nothing more need be said.   


  1. Bob, this is great stuff. I've just read forward from your earliest posts about your cancer and you are an inspiring citizen. I await your return to the stage!

  2. You are right. Somehow you just know. John has been one of those hard-core Chemo people with the mask. If nothing else this makes all of us more aware of how easy it is to pick up germs.

    He had a good day as far as eating is concerned. Still feeling weak, his entire back aches, his kidneys hurt, his neck hurts and his skin is dry as all get out. Still, he finished the 9-day chemo treatment and now we wait for next week to take another complete blood count and meet with the Oncologist. Following that will be another CT scan to determine if there was any positive outcome from the treatments. After we learn that then we will decide the next step.

