Wednesday, September 8, 2010

#259: What the Old Timers Know

Today is my CT scan day. My brother-in-law is also having his umpteenth chemo treatment. I am amazed by his ability to take the punishment. I guess we all do what we have to do. He and his sweet wife B are off to Bowling Green for treatment this morning. God bless them both.

The head and neck cancer support group was much less scary yesterday. Several people commented on how much better I looked. It was a refreshing perspective. These folks haven't seen me for a month. When you are living day to day, it is easy to lose track of long term changes. They reminded me how really badly I was doing just four weeks ago. I was making progress without even realizing it.

Last month I was scared by the stories of people whose sense of taste took two or three years to get back to normal. Some people never get all the way back. Yesterday those same stories gave me hope. You can recognize the long time survivors because they are so positive and encouraging. Those of us closer to treatment are more worried, but the folks who actually make it for years are. The ones who keep hoping for the best. I talked a little about my anxiety, and hey just kept telling me, "You're gonna be fine." And I will be fine. Whatever the outcome of today's scan, I'll be fine. I'll still have great doctors and people who love me. I'll still have God, no matter how frustratingly silent God seems to be. And I'll still have this blog to share my story with people who need to hear it.

It's gonna be fine.




  1. Keep the blog going Bob, it provides me a day to day report on your progress. And, from someone who is a great distance away miles wise, I see the good progress you are making. I loved hearing about you doing auditions again. Keep gumming that food! bb#2

  2. I agree with the anonymous comment above!!! It keeps me up on you!!! I am with you in spirit today in the Doctor's offices!!!!!! Tracey B
