Saturday, March 17, 2012

#397: 2012 Shamrock Shuffle 3K

2011 Shamrock Shuffle
First race since treatment.
No short sleeves last year.
There are so many reasons to love this little race. 2373 people ran 1.8 miles in the cool early morning light through the streets of downtown Lexington. People wore kilts, green tights, and I even passed a guy in shamrock boxers and sock garters. The weather, which is usually much more Irish-like for this event, was perfect for racing. 60° and a little overcast. The Shamrock Shuffle always feels like opening day to me. A couple thousand people get together to celebrate the fact that we can run. What's not to love?

I saw so many friends. Krissie and Nathan from the Striders were there. Amber, a friend I met when we were both in a very bad way was running with her two beautiful daughters. Jennifer, whom I've known since we were both in college, running her first organized race and finishing like a champ. Tim, Mylissa, Hayley, and Natalie; the gang from Keeping the Dream Alive who raised over $700 for Actors' Guild of Lexington. Folks from the Y. Even a few people who knew my name that I didn't recognize. What a wonderful time we had.

2009 with my friends Christy and Justin.
 It was a very cold, wet race .
Thanks to the traffic slowing them down, I was able to keep up with my faster friends and never ran alone the entire race. The last half mile, Hayley and I picked up the pace far beyond what I thought I was capable of. She kept me moving to the finish line and when the smoke had cleared, I had just run my fastest mile ever (9:12) And she was sweet enough to slow down and let me finish a second ahead of her. Oh, nothing warms an old man's heart like a young woman who lets him pretend now and then.

I wanted to get some training miles in around the race, so I ran from home in the dark, then ran back home after. All together it was just shy of 11 miles, which is what I wanted to do on this light weekend between long runs. I'm no fan of getting up in the morning, but it was kind of nice to have my workout done by 9:30. And as I approached the house, there was Mrs P on the front walk, smiling in the morning sunshine. She kissed my sweaty cheek, and told me she was proud of me. With love like that in my life, I can run forever.

2012 Shamrock Shuffle 3K Results
Bib_NumberDivision Age Sex Time Overall Sex_Pl Div_Pl
1107 50-54 51 M 19.59_(PR) 1150/2373 549/837 29/52

To be honest, there are almost never times that I don't like running, and usually I love it, even when it hurts. But days like this, when so many good things and people come together in one place to make the world feel perfect... these times are rare and precious. I'm so grateful to be here.

Sometimes, the road really does rise up to meet you.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome PR! Knew you had some speed in those legs...

    No PR for me, just a 4th place in age group. These 40 yr olds are fast...
