Wednesday, July 13, 2011

#350: Letter From Camp

Dear Folks,

Sorry it has taken me so long to write this letter. Camp is very busy this summer. I am having fun this summer. I hope you are, too.

Running is going great! I have finished some 5K's and a 10K. I keep getting faster and stronger. I sure do like running. Even though it is pretty hot sometimes. Once, I ran in a rain storm. It was a little scary, but fun. I want to run a half-marathon in October. I talked to two ladies at the YMCA who are going to help me get ready. They work with cancer people, so I get to go for FREE! (yesss!)

Mrs P and I have almost finished our move. The old house is empty now. It just needs some scrubbing. I have to scrub because Mrs P says she has to go out and make money so we can eat and get Clare her operation next month. I hope the new people love the house and make a nice home in it. Our new house is very nice, but there are lots of boxes. They smell a little bit like the old basement. I want to just throw them all away, but Mrs P says that some of them might be good stuff. Sometimes I sneak things into the garbage when she isn't looking! (Ha ha!)

I am doing two plays this summer. The first one has closed. It was called Richard III and was about a very bad man who kills lots of people. He chopped my head off! Well, my character's head. They put in in a basket and carried it around on stage. It was really weird to see my head in a basket. The second play is in rehearsal now. It is called End Days. It is about a family who are very sad about the end of the world, but then they feel better by the end. The other actors are really good, so I have to work hard and be sure I don't stink!

My cancer is all better. The doctors say that I don't have any more of it in me, and that it is ok for me to exercise and stuff. I am going to try to go swimming later this summer, but my baggy stomach will look pretty funny in a swim suit. I hope I can still float without all that fat! (Ha, ha!) Seriously, I am skinny enough to wear XL clothes now. My sweat pants fall down if I try to run in them. This makes me very popular with the girls, as I'm sure you can guess, though my bum isn't very tanned.

Everybody is happy, even the dogs. We have had a couple of sad times, but the preacher says that sad times just make us closer to God and to one another. I think that's true.

We'll, I have to sign off, now. I have a couple of chores to do like unpacking stinky boxes! Mrs P is in Georgetown, so maybe I'll throw some more stuff away before she gets home. (Just kidding.)

I love you and miss you very much. Please send a cake for my birthday. I would also like some new running clothes, especially socks. The dryer keeps eating mine! Speaking of clothes, I am out of quarters for the dryer. And the washer. Can you send me some, or should I mail you my dirty clothes to wash? I have plenty of boxes to pack them in! (Ha, ha!)

Goodbye Folks. I'll write later, again.


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