Thursday, May 19, 2011

#331: Ain't Got Time to Die



 No matter. Like the song says, I ain't got time to worry about cancer. I have things to do. I just left yesterday's worries out on the road.

I ran the course that this weekend's 5K will follow. It's one I've run a couple of times before, so this time I was able to see a little more than just the ground in front of me. I've learned how the hills are laid out. I know where I need to save energy and where I can let the downhills boost me along. I ran the 5K in 39:22. My personal best, on a much flatter course than this one, was 38:36. I don't know if I can top that, but I'm going to try. I did 90 sec run/30 sec walk intervals, which felt pretty good. My third mile was my fastest, so the longer runs didn't wear me down. I'm going to use that ratio in the race. If I warm up a little longer, I might even be able to start faster than I did today.

The knee feels better and better. These knee stabilizers fromn Ace are the bomb. Right now I'm enjoying a nice tall Gatorade and icing the right knee down. It doesn't really hurt, but I've been icing it after every run, and I don't want to change something that works.

I met someone new online today. He writes a blog called Vegas Runner and he's the kind of runner I'd like to be. He's a 58 year old marathoner. He's even finished Boston. A few weeks ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. We met through another blog I've been following for a while called, funnily enough, Old Man Running. Alan, the author mentioned he had a friend who was a runner and had cancer. I posted a comment, so he got us together. I think you'd really enjoy getting to know both of these guys. I know I am.

We've moved quite a bit of the furniture to the new house. The really heavy stuff is left, and I'm going to have to recruit some of my big handsome show business friends to help me haul them across town. Progress is slow, but it's progress nonetheless. It's as if we're moving on a U-Haul glacier.

With a night's sleep, some household chores, and a good run under my belt, I feel a little silly about being so worried yesterday. I guess I just needed an anxiety break. The truth is, I feel fantastic. Although, thanks to all the IVs and my steady diet of blood thinners, my arms are bruised pretty comically. I look like a junkie with really bad aim.

It was great having Moses drop by yesterday. I'm hoping he'll write some more for FMR. I'll also be inviting other writers to contribute from time to time. There's a lot we can all teach one another.

Mrs P asked what I would do if a woman ever wanted to write for FMR. We'd work something out. Maybe we can launch a sister site: "Rubenesque Woman Running?" "Big Beautiful Runner?"  Or maybe...

Not sure I'm the right person to edit that one, though.

Well, we'll rattle that bridge when we come to it. Gotta go fold some laundry and try to match some you-know-whats. (I swear, that single sock basket is NOT coming to the new house with us...)


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