Thursday, May 5, 2011

#321: Running with the Pack

Team Pennsy hitting the trail
I have a new training team. Jake and Clare seem pretty content to trot around the park with me. We did 3 miles today, plus another mile of warm up and cool down. That's a nice day's work for a fat man, a chunky dog, and a puppy with energy to burn.

We took Clare to meet Doctor Dobbs today. She got a clean bill of health, and her first shots. She was very brave.

Jake came along since the two of them are growing inseparable and we were too sleepy to fight it out with them. Since we've started running together, he has lost 7 pounds! You can see his endurance is much better, especially when Clare wants to play tag and they both tear off together. It's good to know that we're all going to be healthier. They're fast asleep now. I'll be joining them for a nap right after my shower.

I ran verrrrry slowly today: about 16:40/mile. My right knee is tender and I didn't want to test it. "Tender" is the word I've been using. It isn't injured or sore, exactly. Just a little weak and stiff after a run. I'm taking plenty of rest, and some tylenol to deal with the inflamation. I don't want to do any harm, so I'm taking Jeff Galloway's advice and running slow miles to build a base. I have my eye on the July 4th 10K, and if I don't do anything stupid that keeps me from training, I should be right on target to run it.

I've made some changes to this page. The font was so small on my monitor that I could hardly read it, so I made the print a little bigger. I also added some pages thanks to Blogger's new fancy design tools. I tried to get some of the clutter off of this page to make it easier to read. I also dumped the Google and Amazon ads. I never made any money with them, and they just took up space. I'm not sure any of this makes much difference, but it's spring, the perfect time of year for rearranging the furniture.


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