Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Four Hundred Pounds of Muscle

Swapping fat for muscle? Am I destined to become 400 pounds of rippling man meat? (see nearby illustration. Pennsy will have more hair.)

I am still pissed about my weight, so I walked three miles after my resistance training today. I could have done four, but my shoelace came untied - which I didn’t realize - and I developed a hot spot on the ball of my right foot. I decided to stop before it turned to a blister.

I spoke with Trainer Jordan about the weight. I was a little surprised that he did not offer the same easy answers that others had. He asked about my diet, which was my first question as well. I’ve been eating pretty well. Yesterday I had Fruit, Yoghurt, and Granola for Breakfast. Lunch and twp snacks were SlimFast. I also ate some Peanuts at lunch.

He assured me that I’m doing the right work and looking slimmer. Most people do plateau on their initial rate of weight loss, but not this early. His suggestion is to increase reps and lower the weight a little. That way I can turn my weight training into a cardio workout as well. That sounds like good advice.

Speaking of cardio, my resting heart rate has come down 9 BPM from 87 to 79. I’ll take the progress where I can find it. I also noticed that I’m two notches tighter on my belt than I was at Christmas. Are Mom and Mrs P right? Am I just swapping fat for muscle? Will I eventually turn into a pink version of the Incredible Hulk?

For the answers to these and other questions, tune in tomorrow for our next thrilling episode.



  1. OH BABY! Loves my man meaty man!
    go pennsy go!

  2. doubtful bro. doubtful indeed.

  3. really all you should be doing is cardio. and if you stop every time you think you're gonna get a blister, you won't get anywhere. Learn to enjoy the pain because it brings you closer to your goal. And don't have snacks! You don't need them.
