Sunday, January 27, 2008

Making Corrections

So, it turns out that it is “Forest Walk”, not “Alpine Walk” which would presumably involve steeper climbs, more cheese, and a family of cloying children, their grumpy Pappa, and their beautiful stepmother singing “Doe, A Deer” to her ostrich head umbrella.

I also learned how to adjust the maximum height to make the trip more of a gentle slope, so that went well. I still got my heart rate up to 163 which is a little high, but not that far afield of my usual walks.

On the weights, I increased the loads by 10 lbs and also added some new machines. So my weight training now consists of
Cable curls
Cable pull downs
Leg extentions
Leg curls
Close grip Lat pull downs
Chest presses
Shoulder press with barbell
Ball Squats.
And no, thanks for asking, I can’t think of a funnier name for an exercise than “Ball Squats.” This photo from is not of Pennsy. Pennsy is much taller. My trainer (his name is Jordan, I don’t think there’s any reason to keep calling him “My trainer”) taught me to put one of those big exercise balls behind the small of my back, lean against the wall, and do squats with a wide, forward stance. This apparently protects my knees from the damage associated with traditional squats. It also burns my thighs like crazy. It is by far the silliest and most difficult part of my workout.

On the bright side, since I only have to lift my own body weight, it should get easier the more weight I loose, right?

Today was a great workout. I ate right, sipped lots of water throughout, and felt a good kind of exhausted when I was finished. More “used up” and less “worn out” if the distinction makes sense.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about why I’m going to the gym. I may carry that conversation over to Pennsyltuckian. That’s where I do my meditating. Over here, the Fat Man keeps moving.


1 comment:

  1. So glad that you clarified the origin of that photo, as I was thinking, "My God, Pennsy must have shaved... a lot! That beard covered an awful lot!"

    Yay for the working out! You can do it! :)
