Saturday, December 4, 2010

#285: Now THAT Felt Like a Workout

I was looking for something else, (don't remember what) when I found this workout last night. It looked like just what I needed to get into condition, so this morning, I gave it a try. I did make a couple of changes. I used dumbbells, of course. Since I don't have the strength to do push ups yet, I did chest presses from the floor instead. And my lunges looked a lot more like stumbles. Other than that, I used the framework in the video. I did three rounds the way big Eddie does in the video, and I added a quarter mile walk between each round. I probably didn't need all that rest, but four laps was such a nice round number, I stuck with it. Actually, four laps is a little less than a quarter mile. I'll live with the difference for the time being.

So how did the workout go? Man, it is a heartbreaker. That's ten straight sets, a long time to go without a break. It really gets your heart pumping. I'd say that there's plenty of cardio benefit, as well as resistance training in this routine. I did have to sit down for a minute after the last set of squats. They almost broke me, but I got back up, and finished the round. I used two twenty pound dumbbells. Not much weight for the lower body work, but just about right for the upper back and shoulder pulls. I didn't want to take the time to be changing weights, so I picked a pair that I thought I could use for all the movements. Eddie looks to be using about 95 pounds. I think I might be able to work up to that eventually.

I didn't think that I would get much out of the squats and deads using only 40 lbs, but including them into this long round seemed to multiply their effect. I'm sure old Eddie can deadlift three or four times what he is doing here, but this workout is more about conditioning and fat loss than strength and size. Where I really felt it was in the upper back, between my shoulder blades. Those muscles haven't done much for a long time. After all those months on my back, it's going to take a while before those hanging rows don't hurt.

I came out into the snow feeling great. I always start out sort of hunched over and tired, but by the time I get to the car, what I've achieved sinks in and I'm walking tall and proud again. Now for a hot shower and a drive out to the country with Mrs P. We have tickets to see Much Ado About Nothing this afternoon, and I'm looking forward to seeing some dear friends play the matinee.

Oh, one more thing. I hate lifting weights in front of a mirror. Maybe when I'm prettier and have more to admire I won't mind so much, but right now, all I see is a bad haircut and fake teeth. What's the deal with all the mirrors, anyway? You can feel if your form is off, and there just arent that many bodybuilders flexing and posing in most health clubs. Maybe it's just to make the room look bigger.

It kind of makes me look bigger too, I think. I hope. I wish. Maybe on Monday I can find a spot facing one of those motivational posters.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try that workout in January, Bob. Would do it sooner, but the workout facility at my college closes.

    Had me spewing coffee over the motivational posters.
