Thursday, December 9, 2010

#289: Unscheduled Day Off

See what can happen?
This poor guy's genitals fell off!
 No workout today. Not happening. I woke up today with sore hips and they're still sore. Not achy muscle sore, but pounded joints sore. A lot of things can go wrong with a runner's hips. Especially an obese 50 year-old runner. I don't mind working till my muscles hurt. That's actually kind of the point. But knees and hips can go bad fast. My weight puts a lot of stress on joints when I just move around. That's my fault. I understand. But for the time being, it's a reality that I have to include in my workouts. A few pounds from now I'll be able to go harder, but today I need to listen to my body. I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to quit. So, I'll swallow my ego and fiddle around in the house. There's still laundry to finish and I won't lack ways to occupy my time. I think I can make up the missed day on Sunday, though I'll have to run outside. Looks like our temps may actually reach the 30's by then, so I may have to wear a shirt.

After all, Scarlett. Tomorrow is another day.



  1. Sometimes you just have to take a day off. I think your graphic may be a study of Ken or Barbie's anatomy... maybe Barbie... no, wait... maybe Ken - oh, heck, I can't say!

  2. Oh, dear! The kind part of me agrees with Connie above. The other side of me hope you did some sit up and lifted upper body weights, none of which involve your hips. Good thing I am not your trainer! LOL

    I wonder, are you incorporating any yoga in your training? You may find it a real godsend, so please do consider it, if you have not tried it already.

    Olive yew, ElizaBeth
