Tuesday, April 29, 2008

At Long Last, The Fat Man Does You Know What

I really needed tonight’s workout. It was a full day at work. I’m starting a new project - implementing a CRM system. It’s the kind of thing I love to sink my teeth into. It’s also the kind of thing that can completely absorb me. This is the part where I start working 12-14 hour days, losing sleep, and gazing blankly into space. I’m determined not to let that happen this time. I am going to stick to the discipline of my workouts. Who knows, I may even do a better job if I’m not obsessing about it.

Iron work today. I started with the machines and was wasted by the time I got to the free weights. I did manage to press out all my reps on the bench, but the dumbells were pretty much a failure. two sets of curls, but only one of shoulder presses. I felt good and wrung out.

My cardio workout was a double milestone. I did 8 minutes on the Stair climber. That’s not very impressive, but it is a personal best. On the treadmill, I ran two miles. Ran. Two. Miles. I can’t really put into words how happy that makes me. Almost 2.25 miles in 30 minutes. I’ve been wanting to run so much. Today I felt like I could run like Forrest. I stopped after half an hour which was my plan. It’s about two hours since I ran, and I don’t feel any pain anywhere.

I feel like a kid. I feel hope.
