Friday, August 1, 2008


That's what my training feels like this week. Like chopping through vines with a dull machete.

Running is all I really want to do, and each run leaves me with sore calves and ankles, a stiff, limping gait, and the nagging feeling that the dream may not happen. I don't know if my legs will ever be able to run me around the Bluegrass.

I've tapered my weight lifting way down to save energy for running, but instead I just feel logy. I guess these feelings of doubt are part of the journey, just like the achievements. That perspective ought to give me some comfort. Ought to.

I have a 5K training run scheduled tomorrow morning, after two days off. I'm hoping that the rest will help my legs to come back. I really don't want to limp for three miles in next week's race, and I also don't want to blow it off.

Yeah, I'm listening to my body like the trainer told me. I just don't care for what it has to say today.

Thanks for sticking with me. I'll go chop some more vines now.



1 comment:


    Just keep swimming (running)... Just keep swimming (working toward your goal)...

    It's never easy to see the long term benefit when you're in the thick of the problem. Others may be able to see how current struggles will eventually make you stronger, but they're not you. You WILL get through this, you'll be better and stronger for it, and, eventually, will come to see this time of frustration and doubt as critical to your success. For the moment, though, keep your goals in mind and the fire lit under your shrinking bootie - you'll make it!

    We're all rooting for you!
