Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Better Part of Valor

It occurs to me that a certain discretion is called for when blogging about an ongoing job search. I'll try to touch the highlights without any dangerous details.

I have had a couple of interviews this week, a couple of miles at the gym, and a lunch or two with folks who care. Not a bad way to go about changing my life, I guess.

The hard part is keeping control of your own search. I'm tempted to panic and grab at the first lifeline that's thrown in the water. Tempted, but I'm resisting. Looking back, I realize that I have spend a lot of years trying to be the man I thought I ought to be, and not the man I am. As If I knew better than my Creator what a proper Pennsy ought to be.

I spoke to a friend today about a job offer. I asked her what she thought. "Is that what you want to do with your life?"

"No, not really."

"Well then, DON"T!"

Too simple to be true, don't you think? I have a plan. I'll let you know how it works out.



  1. Can't wait to hear how it resolves. Keep us posted, or I'll have to take you up on your offer to nag...

    Thinking of you lots and sending good wishes your way!

  2. Bob,
    I am sorry to hear about your recent seperation from your company. It is in my opinion their loss, not yours. With your brains, ability and especially determination, you will move on to something better. Over the years, and now with my reading of your fitness blog, I have seen that when you put your mind to something, it will be done. This is an opportunity to change your life in a positive way. Find something you want to do, not the first offer that comes your way. You and Mrs P are in my thought and prayers.
    P.S. The double Bs and myself are having "deep fried lard balls" for breakfast. aka ham and biscuits.
