Thursday, September 9, 2010

#260: Square One

Yesterday's adventures wore me out. The scan was easy. The rehearsal was exhausting. It was only a read-through, but it was a lot more than I'm used to. Never thought I could feel so tired just from talking.

There was nothing to the CT scan. A nice lady put an IV in my arm. Hit the vein the first time. Not even a bruise. Believe me, with all the needle sticks I've had this year, I've really come to appreciate that sort of thing. The scan was quick. The tech helped me onto the table, hooked up the contrast fluid to my IV, and closed the door. One quick trip through and back and it was all over. I'll get the results Monday. In the meantime, I'll be trying to keep busy and distracted. I'm tired of fretting over things I can't do anything about. 

Last night's rehearsal was hard. Physically hard. I was so excited to get started that I showed up an hour earlier than everybody else. Since we were meeting at the director's home, we sat and chatted for a while. I made friends with her dog. Once the rest of the company arrived, we had a lovely meal together. Our hostess had taken the trouble to fix a home made mushroom soup for me, and was gracious enough to eat it with me while she served the rest of her guests a more substantial feast. It reminded me of Atticus Finch eating peas with his knife. It was very kind of her to do that. The eggplant parmesan sure looked good.

Don't get me wrong about how hard the rehearsal was. It isn't like we were dancing and running around. We sat in comfortable chairs and read out loud. By the time we were finished, I wasn't sure what kind of sounds were going to come out of my mouth. The character uses lots of dialects. All mine sound like Dracula. When I tried to sing along with the music, I croaked. I'd like to say I wasn't bad for a first time back, but I was pretty bad. The drive home felt like a cross-country cattle drive. I climbed into bed and died for about fourteen hours. And for all that, I feel like a million bucks. It's great to be back doing what I love. 

Still, this comeback thing is going to take longer than I thought. I can't wait to see how it turns out.



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