Tuesday, July 6, 2010

#215: Navigating the Tropics of Cancer

Looking ahead is always a little tricky. The seas change pretty quickly when you're sailing through cancer treatment. Of course, that's really true no matter where you're sailing.

We have big plans for this evening. We're dragging out to the park to see some Shakespeare. I would prefer to be there opening night, but I think it would be prudent to avoid the really big crowds. We'll both be up much later than we're used to, but it will be worth it. Besides, the doc warned me today that the second chemo treatment I had on Saturday is likely to hit much harder than the first one did. I don't want to miss the show by putting it off.

Did have a kink in a longer range hope today, though. My teeth are not gonna be back anytime soon. Well, they're not actually coming back at all, but my store-bought choppers are going to have to wait for at least a couple of months after radiation. I was hoping for ribs at Labor Day. This news bumps things back to tacos for Thanksgiving. It also delays any hopes I may have for returning to the stage this year. My diction is, shall we say, not as crisp as I might prefer it to be. Still, there is hope out there, and I could always pick up a directing gig if one comes along.

Got some great news today. St Joseph's Hospital where I had my surgery has offered me a very generous financial aid package to help with my medical costs. I don't know if I've mentioned it, but the care I received there was just superior. No one ever made me feel like a charity patient. I couldn't have been treated better if I were the bishop. Now I'm just an AFLAC check away from paying off a really big chunk of my expenses. Next stop, the medicaid office to see what they can do with my chemo/radiation treatments at the Markey Center.

So, it's supposed to be the hottest day in the world, today. I'm hoping we're past the worst by the time we pack up to go to the park. Only 83 degrees right now at 11:00 AM, but tomorrow may be a record-breaker for us. I won't be complaining to Mrs P about the air conditioner today. But I do want to get a little walking in before the weather gets much more brutal.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to have a preview/review of The Merchant of Venice for you. Till then, stay cool and be at


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