Friday, July 9, 2010

#220: Wiped Out

They told me that the second round of Chemo would hit a lot harder than the first. I just checked my posts from the first week. It was pretty bad then, too. Today I sat in the bathroom and could barely muster the strength to make anything happen anywhere. The good news is that the nausea is not so bad yet. I'd be happy to skip that part if possible.

The biggest symptom I'm having right now, besides the gummy throat, is fatigue. Like wow, fatigue. Like, let me just stop walking right here for a minute to recover from those ten steps I just took. This morning, I was doing the old man walk, for sure. Shuffling steps. Working hard to keep my head up. It's funny. I don't feel any pressure to put up a front unless I'm in view of someone else who has cancer. That's when I want to look my best. Someone who feels like me doesn't need to see some other schmuck schlepping himself down the hall.

"How do you feel, today," Shug asked. She's one of the radiation techs. She has some unpleasant sounding nickname that thay call her, so I decided she should be "Shug" as in "Sugar."

"I feel one hundred times better, Shug. Of course, I still feel like crap. But a much bette class of crap today."

I try to always shout a joke down the hall when they call my name. It usually gets a laugh in both directions, waiting room and treatment area. We need all the laughs we can get down in those lead lined rooms.

Mrs P and Jake just went out for a ride. He needs to have his nails trimmed, and he's incorrigible about letting her do them. You'd think she was trying to cut off his toes. I know it can be a dicy operation, but she's been grooming animals for many, many years. Jake just won't have any of it from her. We're hoping that Dr D's magic touch will be enough to calm him down. Meantime, I'm staying quietly at home today, too tired to move.

Gonna have to cut this post short. I'm breaking a sweat just typing to you today. Back to bed, I guess.


1 comment:

  1. Have a good rest Bob. Praying for you every day.
