Saturday, February 16, 2008

DANGER: Fat Man Talking (but you didn't hear it from me)

I really like research. When I was an actor, I would pour over stories, biographies, works of art, histories, anything to learn more about the character and the world where he/she lived.

When Molly came to live with us, while Mrs P was carefully combing out the mats in her coat and bonding with her, I was reading books about Golden Retrievers. So naturally, now that I am interested in losing weight and getting fitter, I am all over the internet learning about nutrition, routines, equipment, machines, books, dvds, balls, mats, weights, pedometers and heart monitors.

The other night at the gym I saw a commercial where Lance Armstrong was running on a treadmill carrying dumbells. "Hmm," I thought, "should I try that?" So I did some googling. Here are the top six hits for a Google search using "Walking with weights".

Do it.
Maybe do it
Carefully do it
Never do it.
Do it, it's great!
Don't do it, it's bad!

Heavy hands, dumbells, wrist weights, weighted vests, slow walking, fast walking, longer walks, morning walks --- it doesn't matter what I look for, I find at least four convincing sounding theories about everything related to fitness. And don't even try to get a definitive answer about diet and nutrition. The experts all sound like they know what they are talking about and they rarely say the same thing about anything.

This morning I was reading about joint damage caused by the same weights that another site says helped a man to lose hundreds of pounds. I started to worry. What if someone should stumble onto my blog and think I actually know what I'm talking about? That would so suck for them!

So I've added a disclaimer to the top of the page. I don't know jack, Jim. I know what hurts, and I don't do that. I know who I trust, and I try their suggestions unless they hurt. That's all I know about fitness.

I have only ever recieved one brilliant piece of advice in my life, and I try to apply it to everything I do, including workouts and internet research:
Say your prayers and do the next right thing.
I try to keep my heart pure and my judgment clear - then I do what seems best. If you're looking for fitness advice, then take that.

But if anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me.


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