Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog Day

It's official, Punxsutawny Phil and I both saw our shadows - keep those spring clothes in the closet for another six weeks. Looks like it's a beautiful Saturday all over Pennsyltucky.

I came home from work yesterday and made the mistake of sitting down. I fell fast asleep in my chair till it was too late to go to the gym. I might try to go back to walk a little more today.

I really need to work on getting proper sleep. I have always been a night owl. I spent most of my life working in the theatre, and that’s just the schedule you get used to. It’s easy for me to get involved in something and stay up until 2 or 3 o’clock. What I’m discovering in the gym is that while I can function on a few hours sleep, it does affect my performance there. I have to believe it also slows me down at work and in the rest of my life.

I’ll try to make a point of getting to bed by 10:00 this week.

I’m gradually adding weight to my resistance workouts. I am having some soreness in my triceps, usually two days after. My research says that’s pretty normal when you’re starting out. Until it goes away, I’ll just lower the weight on sore days, or else I could just work legs, then do arms the next night. I'm also thinking about using some gloves. I am a big sweater and my grip isn't always as sure as I'd like, especially on pulling exercises.

The treadmill felt good. I could have gone a lot farther, but Mrs P had a lunch scheduled with some colleagues and we had to get home. I didn’t get a chance to weigh in this morning, the office was occupied. If I do my late walk, I'll get in then.


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