Friday, February 22, 2008

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

OK, my biggest concern with working out is that I will injure myself and
  1. Be unable to exercise, or
  2. Get frustrated and give up.
Well, Mrs P and I are both hurt, but it has nothing to do with the gym.

The Bluegrass is experiencing a fearful kind of winter weather today - ice with no snow. it has been raining since yesterday afternoon with the temperature hovering around freezing. The good new is that it may be slowing down. The bad new is that walking around is downright perilous. We have both fallen on the ice while trying to get Molly outside. Mrs P whacked her arm and has a nasty raspberry on her hand. I sprained, but am pretty sure I did not break my big toe. Not that we could get to the gym anyway - but it looks like I'm going to be relegated to the weight room and she may be stuck on the exercise bike (her preferred cardio workout.)

On the other hand, I'm giving credit for our relatively minor injuries to the stretching and strengthening we've been doing. It could have been a lot worse.

God bless the folks who have to be outside today. Roads are pretty clear, but everything between the road and the building is a slippery dance.

We're getting ready to limp out the the car and go to work. Everybody be careful out there!


1 comment:

  1. Fat man falling! Fat woman tumbling!
    Big red dog skating!
    Ah, winter in the Bluegrass...
